OFG Children’s Behaviour Policy
Our new Children’s Behaviour Policy, designed by our pupils for our pupils, is now rolling out across
We all know that the Rio Olympics is taking place in August, but did you know that the Olympics are coming early to Outcomes First Group?
During July we are running our next well -being initiative…. Early Rio Olympics!
Staff and young people are getting into the spirit by organising activities to encourage team bonding and working better together. One home is running their very own mini Olympic tournament.
Head Office are getting involved too!
Rubber band archery is a game that involves setting up some targets around the office and each competitor gets 10 goes to hit them. A point is scored for each time the target is hit.
Paper aeroplane javelin – each team must create a paper plane made only of paper size A3 or smaller. The nominated person stands on the line and the furthest plane wins.
Trash bin shotput – you could run this throughout lunch time or across the whole day. The idea is to throw as many ‘shot puts’ (a rolled up ball of paper with an identifiable mark) into your competitors bin. The competitor will be trying to defend their bin, alongside attacking yours. Whoever throws the most paper balls in their competitors bin is the winner!
Becky Murrant, HR Advisor